
Eindhoven365 pleads for tourism in coalition agreement together with fifteen DMOs

11 May 2021
  • News
Eindhoven365pleitvoor Toerismeinregeerakkoord

The Netherlands has been struck by the corona crisis, as was the tourism sector. This sector is of great value to the Dutch economy, and a sustainable recovery is extremely important. Given the coalition agreement, an action plan was sent to negotiator Mr Tjeenk Willink on behalf of sixteen Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) - including and partly initiated by Eindhoven365.

Together in action

Campsites and parks may be doing well, but the DMOs see that the region's hospitality industry, amusement parks, and other recreational facilities are having a hard time. It is a problem that cannot always be expressed in numbers but is happening under the surface. For example, many entrepreneurs quit before they hit rock bottom in addition to bankruptcies. It will cause the offer in the regions to become considerably smaller. Therefore, in the interest of the Dutch economy, the sixteen DMOs are taking joint action. Earlier, Gastvrij Nederland also called on the future government to take action. It emphasizes the urgency of the situation.

Tourism Paragraph

In a signed letter, the organizations plead for a separate secretary of state for tourism and active support of this fundamental economic but underexposed sector. To strengthen the letter, a 'Tourism Paragraph' was added with ten concrete action points that they hope to see reflected in the new coalition agreement. The ultimate goal is to emerge from the crisis with a stronger and more future-proof sector.

Strijp S trappen foto Nadia ten Wolde

Education and sustainability

For a future-proof tourism sector, it is crucial that the next government connects education and the market, stimulates sustainability, and invests in expanding and enlarging a distinctive tourist offer. It is also of great importance to look for a new, widely supported identity based on the DNA of the Netherlands. The Destination Marketing Organisations are also calling for a fund of fifty million Euros to be set up to attract major scientific conferences.

The action plan is also offered on behalf of the following organizations: Amsterdam & Partners, The Hague & Partners, Rotterdam Partners, Utrecht Marketing, Eindhoven365, Toerisme Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen, Marketing Drenthe, Leiden Marketing, Woerden Marketing, Holland Boven Amsterdam, MarketingOost, VisitBrabant, Maastricht Marketing, Merk Fryslân, Marketing Groningen and Kennisnetwerk Destinatie Nederland (VVV Nederland).


Meanwhile, there has been a reaction from negotiator Tjeenk Willink to our letter as DMOs. The letter has been well received and will be made available to the (in)formation process. As noted earlier, this letter is a first step in the lobby we are conducting to put our sector (and our role as DMOs in it) more in the limelight in The Hague.